In the Great Room of the Royal Society of Arts, London, overlooked by Viscount Folkestone, First President of the Society of arts, painted by Gainsborough, representatives of the Government and Security bodies listened to 7 start-ups (including LuJam), their introducers and key speakers talk about their solutions for helping protect this nation and in many cases all nations.
This was the final presentation of the year and the speakers included the Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, the Right Honorable Jeremy Wright, Baroness Neville-Jones (former Chairman of the Joint Intelligence Committee) and Chris Ensor, Deputy Director for Cyber Skills and Growth, National Cyber Security Centre.
Our CEO Tim Moran outlined how we stopped 95% of cyber-attacks in just 7 days utilising the 5 Controls of the NCSC’s Cyber Essentials program and then provided continuous monitoring and risk checking.

Our SMB market alone was a global $20 Billion opportunity and 50% of all SMB’s were now supported by Managed Service Providers (as well as IT Services companies, Telco’s and Internet Service Providers).
Tim showed our impressive list of Telcos/Distributors/ODM’s and MSP’s as well as those mentors like GCHQ and Tech Nation we were working with.
Our predicted exponential growth comes from a basic formula of MSP’s times clients and prospects times multiple locations and networks.
However he also explained that we are barely scratching the surface as huge opportunities in addition to SMB include Remote Workers (to enterprises), cyber insurers and supply chains ie the Enterprise related market and the Home Office/Wealth Management sector.
Also, yet to be analysed is the global shipping market.
Baroness Neville-Jones Keynote theme was that simple, direct effective cyber security was required and Tim and I spent some time discussing this with her.

Many Potential Investors surrounded Tim after his talk which was great to see.
We explained to one that although at the moment we were spending quite a lot of time bringing each Telco/MSP onboard right now (and listening to their detailed needs and requirements) using digital sales techniques we were streamlining and speeding up the onboarding process very quickly.
If you would like an online demonstration of the LuJam Cyber solution please contact chris@lujam.com or call +44 (0)117 373 6186 and ask for Chris ref. online demo.