Following the establishment of Business and Cyber Security centres in Scotland, Manchester and the North East BRIM ( Business Resilience International Management ) are building the East Midlands Cyber Resilience Centre.
Our Global Sales and Marketing Director, Chris Windley, is on the Advisory Panel and also working with BRIM nationally.

Like LuJam Cyber BRIM works closely with #GCHQ #NCSC and #IASME
The Business and Cyber Resilience Centres are a unique blend of #Police #BigBusiness #Academia and #Government.
Aproximately 400 Business and Organisations are expected to be working together at the end of the first year to improve business and cyber resilience in line with Police and #GCHQ #NCSC standards.
These businesses will come together online at first and then after the #Coronavirus in regular meetings of all parties.
There has really never been such an incredible fusion of businesses and organisations before – all aiming to make the UK a safer place to do business in.
We really want to ensure that the message gets out to SMB and Micro businesses that help is available to combat cyber crime, increasing and morphing in the virus, and improve business resilience generally.
Contact Chris on or +447881 500002 or google East Midlands Cyber Resilience Centre and mention Chris.
LATEST #CoronaVirus #CyberSecurity advice from TOP CyberSec people