At the Malvern Festival of Innovation last week @LuJam Cyber CEO Tim Moran highlights the areas of innovation that we agreed with #GCHQ #NCSC and#IASME.

It is of note that 2 years ago we were guided to this point.
This was visionary by them in terms of, for example, continuous monitoring of #CyberEssentials and the inclusion of IoT.
Looking forward we see other features that have been demanded by Cyber Insurance underwriters and Heads of Supply Chains.
This is all part of the UK Governments initiative to ensure that the UK’s 5.5 Million SMBs are cyber secure and that the UK is a safe place for businesses to work in. Small and Medium sized Businesses are suffering most from Cyber Attacks like spoofing and ransom demands.
Because the criminals are succeeding in these areas they are pouring Billions into a global multi Trillion market.
Relying on Anti Virus and Firewalls alone is not enough and People, Processes and Technology must be employed in conjunction with one another.