Our first Welsh partner and watch this space for more from Wales

After considerable discussion and evaluation we are delighted to welcome Astrix to our Channel Partner network.

They wrote their own blog post announcing the partnership here.

In this they say …

For a long time, among other things, we have been searching for a single product / service that can:

  1. Provide ongoing visibility into and protection for networks and computers.
  2. Provide ongoing monitoring and reporting of compliance against cybersecurity standards such as Cyber Essentials.
  3. Be easily deployed and managed.

and we sometimes find that there are people and companies out there looking for exactly what we built.

We love who Astrix are:

Our ethos

Here at Astrix, we are inherently people-focused, we love what we do, we strongly believe in doing things right, and we constantly strive to do better (so much so that our primary competition is ourselves)!

Our values


We feel uncomfortable doing anything that negatively impacts others so we always strive to be ethical and do the right thing.


Being open-minded has served us very well as it has allowed us to continually embrace change and evolve for the better so we want to stay this way.


In our line of work, it’s critical that we remain steadfast and convey the truth of a situation regardless of other factors – anything less would be a disservice.


We know exactly who we are, we don’t want to appear to be anything that we’re not, and it’s important to us that others know that too.

Better today

We’re firm believers in and practicers of self-improvement as soon as the opportunity arises.

Our history

For nearly 2 decades, Astrix was a Managed Services Provider (an outsourced IT department) for many micro-to-medium-sized organisations. Our role provided us with valuable insight and our ethos taught us how to effectively care for many types of people, businesses, and systems. This also taught us that cybersecurity is consistently given little, if any, thought.

As the worldwide number and magnitude of cybersecurity incidents increased exponentially, so did our empathy for the victims and our skills in these areas. Naturally, we realised our vision. However, it’s very difficult for MSPs to effectively manage both the operation and security of IT systems so we committed ourselves entirely to cybersecurity.

and we look forward to working together in the future,

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